Yanik Shea—My Journey from Weight Gain and Infertility to Health and Motherhood

My story
Like every teenage girl, I just wanted to be lean and look good in a bikini. As a means to lose weight, I started skipping meals, taking fat burners and going to the gym 6 days a week. With each passing month, the pounds would pack on. So, I’d restrict more calories and spend more time in the gym.

No matter what I did, the pounds kept packing on.

Going into my 20s, I was carrying an extra 40lbs and my hormones were completely out of whack. I had seen pictures of fitness and bikini models online and was always really inspired. As a means to lose weight, I signed myself up for my first show.

I lost the weight, but I looked flat and rebounded, gaining back everything I had lost.

Through my 20s, I competed in 5 shows; 2 figure and 3 bikini. I was very disciplined and not once did I take home a win despite doing everything my trainers asked of me. No cheating. With each show, I became more disappointed and continued to blame my coaches for their lack of knowledge.
Why genetic testing?
By the time I was 29 years old, I had developed stage 4 endometriosis and was diagnosed with infertility after a laparoscopy uncovered a toonie-sized benign tumor on my left ovary. My world was crushed.

I was so confused as to how I ended up here. I had eaten clean for many years, always picking organic when possible. I was lean and looked trim. I was so routine in my eating and supplements. It just didn’t make sense.

In 2016, I had my second laparoscopy right about the time I got my DNA tested with Carmen at dnaPower. I received my results from dnaPower about 2 weeks before my follow-up appointment. When I went to my appointment, I brought my DNA results with me. When I asked my surgeon what our next step was, he suggested hysterectomy or medical menopause.

I presented him with my results asking what nutrition and lifestyle changes I could make. He gave me this smug smirk and happily said “That’s a joke, there is no cure for what you have. These are your treatment options”.

That was the day I fired my doctors.
How DNA testing changed my life
Over the last 8 years, I have used my dnaPower totalPower report to navigate my health and wellness. It has been nothing short of one of the best transformations of my life! I easily maintain my weight and no longer have any of the symptoms of endometriosis. I overcame infertility being able to bring two beautiful healthy children to this world, getting pregnant naturally.

A dream come true!

After my first child, I saw a huge missing link between women's health and medicine, and decided to create a business to bring DNA to the women’s health space. So, I created The Holistic Goddess Academy and partnered with dnaPower, getting certified to empower others with their reports.

In the last 5 years, I have managed to create a very unique brand bringing the expertise of DNA to hormone balancing and fertility. We have been able to get women off of synthetic hormones, avoid hysterectomies and even reverse infertility. Using DNA my clients feel better in their 40s than they did in their 20s.
Thank you to dnaPower!
I will forever be grateful to Carmen and dnaPower for empowering me with the knowledge and education to radically transform not only my life, but the lives of the clients I get the honor of working with. Thank you Carmen and Lois from the bottom of my heart.

Such a blessing.
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