The Healthy Helix – Episode 2 – How To Interpret Your DNA Results: A Walk-Through

Welcome to another fascinating episode of “The Healthy Helix – Your Personalized Roadmap to Health.”

In partnership with Inagene Diagnostics Inc., another innovative DNA testing company, we bring you weekly episodes of empowering videos and podcasts that explore personalized wellness through the lens of genetic testing, preventative health, and personalized medicine.

Last week, series hosts Lois Nahirney, CEO of dnaPower, and Nancy White, CEO of Inagene Diagnostics Inc., discuss how you can use DNA testing to support your health, how it has impacted their lives, and how it may impact yours. If you haven’t watched the first episode yet, we invite you to watch it here.

This week, Lois and Nancy share their personal DNA results, taking you through their eye-opening findings from dnaPower’s diet, fitness, health and mental wellness reports and Inagene’s pharmacogenetic DNA report. They discuss how their DNA results have shaped their approach to preventative health, and how it can for you!

In the second episode of the Healthy Helix, learn how DNA testing can answer some of the most common questions about personalized nutrition, fitness, inflammatory response, preventative health, mental wellness, and individualized treatment plans for pain and mental health medications.

In this episode of the Healthy Helix, we answer common questions like:

  • Should my diet consist of more fats, carbohydrates or proteins?
  • Should I avoid caffeine, alcohol, lactose and gluten?
  • Can I convert the vitamins I get through food to the active form my body needs?
  • Am I more suited for endurance or sprint activities?
  • How effectively is my body fighting inflammation?
  • Am I at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s?
  • What medications will work best for me?
  • Which medications should I avoid altogether?
  • Am I prone to side effects from some medications than most people?
  • Is there a strain or dose of cannabis that would work best for me?

Dive into the second episode of the Healthy Helix to take a closer look at dnaPower and Inagene’s DNA reports, showcasing the powerful genetic data you can learn to tailor your nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, and medications to be your healthiest self!

There’s no better gift than the gift of health.

Invest in you and your family’s health this holiday season. Kickstart 2021 on a healthy note! There’s no better time to learn more about yourself so that you can take action to be the healthiest version of you!

Explore our most popular DNA test kit, totalPower. With 240+ genetic variations tested, totalPower is the most comprehensive DNA test kit for health, nutrition, fitness, and brain health. Includes a 45-minute personal health consult with a DNA-certified nutritionist.

The Ultimate Insights Package

In celebration of our partnership with Inagene Diagnostics Inc., we are offering genetic testing at an incredible price, empowering you to take control of your health and live your best life.

Save $150 on our most comprehensive DNA test offerings for both preventative health (individual disease risk, personalized diet, and exercise recommendations), as well as treatment optimization (understanding which medications will work best and which you should avoid based on your genes).

Together we help you leave “trial and error” behind and start making data-driven decisions that get you on the fast track to better health!


Have suggestions for future topics? We want to hear from you!

We welcome you to suggest future topics for our on-going series. We can’t wait to read your topic suggestions, questions, or comments at

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Give yourself or someone you love the Gift of Health. See our Holiday Health Bundle for more details.