Meet Carmen – The DNA Diva

Carmen, aka “the DNA Diva”, is a pioneer in the DNA industry. She discovered DNA testing in 2006 and was one of the first in the world to use it with her clients to improve their health and fitness results. Carmen was instrumental in the development of DNA testing for diet and fitness as she worked closely with a number of scientist as this incredible technology was launched here in Canada. She is a foremost international expert on developing custom diet and fitness plans for clients based on their unique DNA.

The DNA Diva is also a 3 time Canadian body-building/physique champion and an International Federation of BodyBuilding (IFBB) PRO.  She is a leading and respected personal fitness trainer and nutritional coach, and was one of the first in the world to use DNA testing with her clients to improve their health and fitness results. Carmen became involved in fitness to support her recovery after a devastating car accident as a teenager that left her with a broken back and in a body brace for a year.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I am and always have been motivated by my fascination with the link between nutrition and health (this fascination started at age 8!). I wake up everyday chasing knowledge about personalization of diets, workouts, vitamins/supplements, and lifestyle. The fact that we have such amazing DNA data available motivates me to get out everyday and help as many people as I can from a true personal scientific approach.

What would an ideal world look like to you?
I wish DNA testing was free so everyone could start feeling better naturally. The tests provide such insight into preventing chronic illnesses, inflammation, disease, pain, emotional/mental struggles, hormone imbalances, and obesity.

How has the dnaPower test helped you and your clients?
Over the last decade of working with clients based on their personal DNA, I have seen how much easier it is to get my clients to their desired goal and to maintain it. As a coach, it’s given me much more confidence in the recommendations I’m providing. It eliminates a lot of trail and error, time and frustration. I also see my clients staying more dedicated to their plan because they know it’s actually designed for them. When my clients feel so much better on their diet and workout plans, they tend to want to stay on them for a forever lifestyle change rather than a fad or quick fix yo-yo diet. Healthy lifestyle becomes easy when they are on the right pathway.

Which dnaPower report is your favourite and why?
My favourite DNA test is methylationPower because methylation is the deepest area that I can see in a client’s DNA to start building a proper foundation for them to achieve health goals. Looking good in the mirror just becomes an easy result of their body functioning best!

Any fun facts or words of wisdom you’d like to share?
I believe and hope that every trainer, coach, doctor, and nutritionist starts incorporating personal DNA testing into their recommendations as it provides essential insight to helping people in a personalized way. Before, we could never “really” determine one’s long term health. We had to rely on guesswork or judging results by a person’s weight or appearance. I see many very FIT unhealthy people, so just because someone is losing weight on a plan DOES NOT mean it’s best for them. Now, I feel like I am taking the best measure possible with my clients when I’m able to see their DNA.

Where can we find out more about what you do?
I am a founding partner at dnaPower and can be reached through our head office or my coaching DNA testing at my instagram @Karmalife_dnadiva 

Facebook DNA Diva Carmen Tocheniuk

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