They offer personalized eating plans, one on one coaching and weekly checkin’s to make sure you are maximizing your potential and reaching your goals in a sustainable way.
We love their personalized approach and couldn’t be happier to have them on the dnaPower team.
What Gets You Out Of Bed In The Morning?
What Would An Ideal World Look Like To You?
Lazy morning with a good coffee, puppy snuggles and great big breakfast with the family. Gym time with my gym family. Some work time doing what I love. Some time in the sun. Whistler or Hawaii will do. Cap it all off with a nice family dinner and some quality time together.
How Has The DnaPower Test Helped You And Your Clients?
Removing dairy from my diet has made the biggest improvement in my digestion and well being, I wish I did this sooner. But also a lot of the other findings confirmed what I knew about myself already. Good to know my instincts were right and my lifestyle choices supported what is best for me.
Which DnaPower Report Is Your Favourite And Why?
dietPower for sure, I live in that field and use it the most.
Where Can We Find Out More About What You Do?
www.powerupnutrition.ca or follow us on Instagram power_upnutrition.